Pumpkin Pie with Pecan Streusel

I love pumpkin, y’all.  Pumpkin bread, pumpkin coffee, pumpkin cake, pumpkin pie, pumpkin soup.  Savory or sweet, I don’t care.  I get really excited for fall because it means everyone expects pumpkiny things to come out of the kitchen.  This year, my husband asked me to make pie for his birthday instead of cake.  It was probably self-preservation that motivated him, because my oven really likes to cause my cakes to crumble into a million pieces (I have since been gifted with a Kitchenaid stand mixer and remedied this problem.  I don’t have photos, but I’ll post a link to the recipe).  Anyway, he said he wanted pumpkin pie for his birthday.  I hunted all over foodgawker until I found a recipe I liked.

Now, this recipe calls for homemade crust.  I’m really hoping that this new mixer helps me with crust, because I destroy pastry dough.  It never turns out the way it’s supposed to.  I will happily accept pie crust lessons from anyone willing to teach me!  I did attempt the crust for this recipe, but the results were pretty foul, so I pulled out the emergency crust I had in the freezer 🙂

Other than, that the recipe was super easy, and came out beautifully.  The blogger who originally posted the recipe gave beautiful directions, so I’ll just link you to that blog and post my pics below.

Recipe is here:  http://danazia.wordpress.com/2010/11/17/pumpkin-pie-socks/

Pics are below.  This pie was fantastic, and I had enough leftover batter to make a couple of teeny custards.  Yum, yum, yummy!

Mixing up the batter.  Smells fantastic–I love the smell of cinnamon and nutmeg.

About to go in the oven.  Not in a homemade crust.  See above notes.  Also, look at my cute grinning doggie 🙂

Fresh out of the oven.  Kitchen smells delectable.  Hubby can’t wait to dig in 🙂 

(See the ramekin on the side?  That was overflow batter.)

I hope you test this recipe and love it as much as I did.  I also hope that someone out there can teach me how to make pie crust!

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